14 JAN 2023

listening to: sinjin drowning video.. lol
weather: snowing

hi again so soon, i figured i would go back to our regular schedule of saturday blogposts even though i just posted a few days ago. i started my first day of school orientation a few days ago and it went much better than i thought it would

i was worried id be completely out of my element as i'm a little older than most people starting college and i also come from a very different background being homeschooled as well as being middle class growing up as there are some really rich people attending this school. im only able to attend here because of my GI bill benefits and even then i'm kind of in some financial heat right now because i'm still waiting for my VA benefit payments to start - they haven't because the transition office fucked up my paperwork that i need to start the payments and i'm still waiting on receiving all the papers. lots of things to stress about. im not too worried as my GI bill housing allowance covers my half of rent + bills but i dont want to live paycheck to paycheck.

but it's nice to finally be in the real world. it's kind of weird re-discovering my bodily autonomy. this isn't unique as lots of people have worked jobs where they can't have weird hair or piercings but you can usually quit those jobs. i keep catching myself thinking "oh id like to do my hair like that" or "id like to get that piercing" and then realizing that now i actually Can

i'm holding off for now because i dont want to wild out too much and spend a bunch of money on hair stuff/piercing stuff lol. for now i just want to be content with my new found freedom.

it's snowing today =] all my orientation stuff that i had for the day got cancelled and switched to online so i was able to chill out this morning. i have stuff tomorrow and monday and then it starts for real on tuesday so i'm trying to absorb all the free time that i can.

it snowed yesterday too but none of it stuck, i was walking all over the place just getting covered in snow. i dont mind too much though, after being out of texas for almost 5 years now i'm pretty much acclimated to colder weather now.

not that it gets THAT cold here in NC, but there's a big difference between central NC and the mountains. i spent one winter in baltimore and i don't know how people can cope driving through that much snow lol even just the small amount we get here stresses me out so i dont mind it too much when stuff gets shut down bc of weather.

im not sure what i'm gonna do today, it doesn't feel like saturday. i think i'm going to help my bf get it's neocities together/re-code it. maybe i'll even try drawing some today, it's been a few weeks since ive sat down and tried to make anything and i know it's just gonna get harder for me to do that once classes start.

as far as quinn ch.4 is concerned- i have to finish touching up the outline and then begin thumbnailing. the outline was completely finished as of years ago but as time passes i realize there was some issues with the storyline that had to be fixed so i spent a few weeks re-writing portions of the story.

it's hard for me to be creative because i'm really sensitive to my environment and if i'm not 100% settled somewhere it stresses me out and i cant get settled into a Groove if that makes sense. we didn't have that much stuff to unpack but there's still some odds and ends that need to get unpacked/find a home.

there's also the big stack of moving boxes i need to give away as well as the storage closet i just kind of threw everything into instead of taking the time to get it arranged which was what i intended to do when i started but kind of gave up w/ halfway through.

there's also some website things i want to add soon. i want to add a shrine page for collectibles like graphics, virtual pets, etc. i'm debating if i want to include petz under this category or if i want to make a separate shrine page for petz stuff. i feel like they could have their own page but thinking about sitting down and adding yet another page makes me sleepy.

now that i'm writing down my ideas though i think i will probably go through and add a little petz/crew page. i was obsessed with petz as a kid and it was one of the few video games that i had that could run on the windows 2000 laptop that was in my room. i spent so many hours playing that stupid scarab mini game so that i could get all the items lol and i could never figure out how to hex/add breeds to the game as a kid so once i got older and actually knew how to do all that shit it added another dimenson to the game for me.

i also really like how petz has had a steady community for decades now. i remember being a kid looking through minibyte's website or boardwalkerz and seeing people archiving stuff/breeds/etc and keeping the spirit of the community alive by hexing new breeds/just having fun makes me happy. i don't think there's a lot of communities like that around anymore so it's good to see it still alive + thriving.

well, i think im gonna start cleaning up a little and go through some of these little odds and ends boxes i have laying around so i can get them out of the way. ill see you guys next weekend, hopefully ill have good things to say about my first week in class

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