11 JAN 2023

listening to: the dryer running
weather: cold, cloudy

its been a while or at least it feels like it with how busy ive been.. in all actuality its just beeen a little over a week since ive last been able to write. well, everything ended up working out in the end.. so far at least. my dad came up on the 4th and helped me move my stuff then the very next day on the 5th i flew out to vegas and stayed for 2 days before driving back to NC with my boyfriend.

he ended up doing most of the driving, we were travelling for almost 48 hours... we did stop overnight in oklahoma city to sleep for a bit before continuing through to NC which was a lifesaver. i dont think we couldve pushed through lol that last night was such a doozy. i drove us the last 3 1/2 hours into NC from tennessee and we ended up getting into town around 7 am. then my dad needed me to drive him another 4-ish hours into raleigh so he could get to the airport in time.

needless to say im pretty tired of sitting in the car. ive had a few days break though and it was worth it seeing all the really pretty scenery out west. i haven't been to new mexico since i was a child and it was my first time seeing arizona, nevada and oklahoma.

we were on a little bit of a time limit + had slater's cat in the car with us so we really couldn't stop and see a lot of stuff but i figure it's not a problem as im sure we'll have plenty of opportunity now to see things.

the new apartment is really nice. it has a lot of space for all the cats and feels so much more open/clean than the last place i was living at. i will miss the old apartment but i think it was time to go. also didn't realize how bad the ventilation in that place was until i was smelling how musty my furniture was in the new place......

more importantly, the cats are all getting along. mcguirk (my bfs cat) is very shy and has growled at simon and margot a few times but everyone seems to be pretty calm w/ each other's existence.

this is my new view from my porch. it's kind of a big adjustment living so close to a busy road and no longer having my quiet neighborhood to roam through at night, but it's only temporary...

i took my final walk on the 3rd, i had rushed home from getting all my work things settled and had just enough time to squeeze in a walk. the sun already set and it was dark but felt very alive as it was unusually warm and it felt like a summer night outside.

walked my old route then tossed some dried mushroom powder from some that i had grown earlier this year into the lake as sort of a goodbye. if it doesnt make sense oh well, not sure if it makes sense 2 me either. it just felt right.

while it's sad 2 say goodbye it's good to start a new journey out here in WNC. orientation for school begins tomorrow and i'll have a lot on my plate as it goes through the weekend and i'll jump right into school and my new job right after that. i'm excited but also nervous.. not nearly as nervous as the way my old job used to make me feel though. it feels awesome being able to call it "my old job" and leave all the group chats.

theres a lot i want to say about that job but ill save it for another entry as there's a lot to say about it and i'm passionate on the topic lol so for now ill keep things short and sweet. a lot of stuff on my mind and the exhaustion from all the moving hasn't quite hit me just yet but i'm sure it will- esp once school starts.

well i guess thats really all i have for you for now. a little short but that's probably a good thing since i do tend 2 write too much sometimes. ill be back next weekend to update about my first week @ school and work and all that other fun stuff. hopefully i can find some normalcy soon but for now i am very content with the way things are going. ok well PEACE OUT i will talk to you later!!!!

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