08 JUL 2022

listening: stars of the lid
weather: cloudy, rained a little
time: 0052

hi again everyone. it's been a little bit since i wrote an entry and i sort of let my neocities fall by the wayside just bc i wasnt really sure what i wanted to do with it/where to go with it next. and decided also that i STILL wasn't satisfied with the layout/theme of the site so i went through and redid everything... worked on it for a few weeks and really decided what it was exactly that i wanted to do with my site. but i think i have it figured out now and have more of a direction to go with it and less restriction to put on myself.

still contemplating what i want to add next, i have all kinds of ideas for pages. there are a few im considering getting rid but i'll keep them up at the moment. one thing i like about building a personal site is that when i'm struggling with feeling uninspired or if i'm dealing with art block it's a good way for me to feel productive in a creative way and still make something when i'm not able to make the stuff i normally do. guess it's a nice reminder of how good it is to have a hobby even if it's something small like this.

which speaking of art block it's really been kicking my ass recently. feeling uninspired + dealing with the process of using a different program to make my comic has made me kind of stall out on it. it's not even like i'm new to using this program (switched from using procreate to using paint and photoshop) but i'm used to working on something one way it makes it harder for me to suddenly work on the same thing in a different way. im pretty set in routines i guess which is something i'm trying to kick as best as i can... ofc adhd and autism fucks with that pretty hard.

and now that this is done (the site) im ready to start working on chipping away at the next chapter of quinn. switching from procreate to paint and photoshop was a call i had to make since outlining things manually was the bulk of the actual work that goes into drawing it. every white outline around the character had to be added by hand instead of a stroke function that photoshop has which i was using before. which sucks because i /really/ like procreate but i feel like it works for my more semirealistic rendering style instead of the rendering style that i use for the comic. since it doesn't have binary brush support i'd have to draw in all the lineart with a chunky ass brush then erase it to add the line weight.. which i guess really isn't that different to how i add in line weight with my other style but this specific action for this specific style is easier for me to use paint for because i can use the lasso tool for it- then use the stroke function on photoshop. the more i think about it the more i'm wondering if i'm actually making life easier for myself or if i'm making it harder in the long run...

something else to think about is how much my art has changed since actually starting my webcomic. this is something that pisses me off real fucking bad because i like continuity and i dont like the idea that my worst work is what new readers see first when reading the comic... so i hate to say it but i think at some point ill have to go in and remaster the first 2 chapters to catch everything up. i'm not big on going back and redoing things to make them "better" because things simply exist as what they are and dont always need to be improved upon... but for this instance i do think it's something that i want to fix, just to improve the cohesion and like i mentioned before enforce some continuity in the style. but god i REALLY don't want to redraw some of those panels- if there's one thing i hate drawing it's phone conversations.

but... i'm very excited to show you the next chapter. there are some fun things i'm able to do using neocities as a platform for my webcomic... that's the type of shit that makes me pumped to work on my comic- thinking about what i can do next that's different and nontraditional for webcomics. dont get me wrong i have mad respect for all the comic artists out there and my webcomic friends you guys are super cool and creative to the max and i look up to other authors/illustrators as like they're mentors. but i found myself really unable to just illustrate and create a linear straight up webcomic. it wasnt appealing to me to make a webcomic at all whenever i'd think about formatting it into a pdf or designing a classic webcomic layout with first next prev recent arrows. i had played around with the idea of making just one off comics in a non linear way but one day when i was on a field exercise in the middle of fucking nowhere colorado i suddenly got the idea of how i could actually make a webcomic happen.

i thought it would be really cool to give it it's own site and arrange things sort of like one of these "unsolved" cases or whatever and present it all as evidence savewalterwhite dot com type of thing then have it to where you could read each chapter. that shit got me so excited i was so frustrated that i was stuck out in the mountains with no way to draw it! it was the first thing i started doing when i got home. and now it's been almost 2 years and i'm not even on the 4th chapter.. i try not to shit on myself for taking so long with this because i'm just one guy and most of that time was spent dealing with some pretty severe mental problems as well as working like crazy.. but now i'm in a lull with my job so i have a lot more free time. ive been spending it just kind of getting to enjoy life again but now i think im ready to get to work. idk. this is a big wall of text but i'm too lazy to go in and add pics.. thats another thing i want to do is start doing a walk log for my nightly walks because i always take so many pics.

ok but for now ill see yall later

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