03 FEB 2023

listening to: bird sounds
weather: sunny, freezing

wow already february again. i'm trying to remember what exactly i was doing last year but i think i was just taking it easy and getting started with the long process i went through to get here now.

it's been a pretty busy week, there's a whole lot of essay writing that i have to do every week but so far so good. i got the grade for the first one i turned in last weekend and did much better than i originally thought i would so that was definitely a huge relief.. there is a shit load of writing in college but i don't really know what i was expecting. either way i dont mind it as ive always liked writing this kind of stuff and it's been fun getting different ideas for these papers.

today was a really good day. most of the week has been raining but the sun finally came out today and i started to feel the first little touches of spring. it's not quite here yet but its definitely on its way =] when i was younger i used to hate spring but now that i'm older and don't live in the swamp anymore i'm able to appreciate it for what it is.

i stopped on my way home for some coffee in the town next to mine and it was so beautiful looking at the snow on top of the higher mountaintops and the way the sun beat on the slopes of the lower ones. it made me excited to start exploring things when it's a little warmer and i have more time.

i also started work this week which was a little nerve-wracking at first but once i went to my first shift i felt a lot better about the whole thing. it's a lot of time outside playing in dirt so it's a good fit for me.

i'm also learning a lot from this job too even though i've only worked for 3 days now so i'm glad that it's not only something i like doing but it's something that feels rewarding at the same time. makes me glad that i got this job and not the mail room job, i think i would've gotten tired of sitting in an office all day as much as i like sorting mail.

today it was so cold while i was outside working but eventually the sun came out and I had been sweating by the end of my shift. we also got a big pile of mulch delivered and it was steaming when they dropped it on the ground so we all laid on it to get warmed up. i had to pause a couple of times just because i hadn't really taken the chance to really appreciate my surroundings the time i've been here.

earlier i had been digging and paused to lean on my shovel and catch my breath. when i looked up i just had to take this picture because i was caught off guard by just how beautiful the mountains were.

i can't wait until all the mountains around here turn green again, i was out here in the summer and i couldn't stop staring at them. there's tons of trails that go up through all of these areas so over my break i think that exploring will be my main priority.

for some reason after seeing that today it was like a veil had been lifted- maybe it was also just from working outside so much this week too, but i suddenly started to feel the beginning of that connection to nature that i mentioned last week i had been missing. the last few months have been so stressful and so busy, no matter how hard i tried to stay feeling connected it just kind of slipped away from me. but now i'm starting to feel it come back and i can't wait until the semester is over and i can really repair my relationship w/ nature.

well, not sure what i have planned for this weekend. i think i'll take some time to fix up my site as i spent a long time this week collecting resources and getting some ideas for how i want this place to look. you'll notice that the shrine page is back up, i'm still working on fixing up some of the older ones.

the starshine legacy page was one ive been debating on posting, but as a sso content creator i used to enjoy a lot recently passed i wanted to add it. just felt like the thing to do.

either way, stay tuned as there's more things in the work that i'm super excited to do here =] peace out i will see yall next week

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