the earth

humans exist as part of nature - not as a separate entity. every human has been given the incredible gift of life and in order to properly utilize this gift and be thankful for it, it's our duty to care for the earth and all inhabitants of nature. this is done through preservation and care for every single aspect of nature as well as conscious behavior in a world that has been wrecked by industrial civilization and mass consummerism. i have an animistic worldview and i believe that every part of nature posesses a spirit that should be respected and honored in the same way a human spirit should be. if not, these things will vanish before our eyes- and many already are due to human negligence. all apsects of our lives depend on nature, a fact that is easily forgotten when we have running water and huge supermarkets. because of this, preservation of the earth is incredibly important and our relationship with the land must be maintained in order for human existence to continue. abusing and exploiting our natural resources will lead us to extinction.

life and death

time is cyclical in nature. because of this, i believe people can come back again after death through reincarnation, specifically if this person still has something to experience or learn. ultimately, there is an end to this and eventually the spirit can continue on to the spiritual realm. the world of the living and the dead are closely entwined and equally important - two halves that make up a whole. i see death as the body no longer being able to function, but spirits are alive and well and can communicate with us through dreams or other messages. i have been visited by ancestors as well as other deceased individuals in my dreams and have had important things revealed to me by them. these experiences drastically altered my ideas of death and the afterlife.

gods and other figures

while i believe in worshipping every part of nature, i also draw from practices and beliefs my ancestors held. unfortunately, little information still survives on this topic specifically due to the destruction that christianity brought to much of the world and because of this i have had to piece together beliefs and traditions in order to keep them alive. there are figures/deities as well as animals that have special spiritual significance to me such as horses, bulls, and wolves. some are figures that i have sought out specifically and others revealed themselves to me through signs or visions which i'm very open to discussing.

in general i'm very open to talking about any aspect of spirituality and it's a topic i'm very passionate about. if you'd ever like to talk about things with me i'm more than willing to chat over direct message.

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